Articles on: Translation Lab

How to translate your product metafields

How to translate your metafields in bulk using AI?

Following the steps for auto-translating the product metafields, requires the AI Translate feature to be enabled. You can enable it for the given language under the Languages tab in T Lab.

The translations for the product metafields can be found under Translations -> Product metafields:

In this test store, there are 3 metafields for each product:

one for size
one for color
one that comes from the app

Some apps store their resources as product metafields (like in this example, the product metafield from the app), but in some cases, you might not have to translate those, as they might be stored in complex format, or, contain code that your theme or a third-party app uses. This is the reason why the product metafields section is not included in the AI Translate feature. For such metafields, it's always best to test translating the product metafield for a single product and test the product page, before running auto-translation task for the product metafield

I can either tranlsate my product metafields on this page, or, I can click the Bulk translate button, to translate, for example, the custom.size metafield for all products:

When you click the button, a popup will appear, asking for the namespace and key of the metafield, which you want to auto-translate in bulk. In the case of the custom.size product metafield, custom is the namespace and size is the key of the metafield:

If you want to translate multiple product metafields at the same time, click the " Add new " button, then add the namespace key for the next metafield:

And under What to translate, select whether you wish Not-translated, Transalted, Outdated or All resources that match the criteria to be translated:

Not-translated - resources that don't have a translation
Outdated - resources that have previously been translated, but afterwards, their primary language text has been modified
Not-translated or Outdated - both #1 and #2
Translated - translate only resources that have existing translation (and are not outdated)
All - translate all the resources

After you make your choice, click the Translate button and that's it.

The process runs in the background, so you don't have to stay on the page

Note that the auto-translate might not be able to process some rich-text metafields stored in nested JSON format.

Updated on: 19/12/2024

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