Translate your text resources
How to Auto-Translate your store
With Translation Lab's AI Translator, you may translate all the translatable resources in your store automatically. Not only you can translate all the existing translatable resources with AI in your store, but with the Premium plan, you may also utilize our Auto AI Translations feature, to make sure that newly added products (or updated products) resources are also translated.Few readersHow to add Glossary rules
Our AI translations work with the Google Translate/OpenAI API. However, in some cases, you might want to pre-overwrite the transitions for specific words/phrases. For example, you might not want to translate your brand name, or, you don't like how Google/OpenAI translates specific words or phrases and want to tell the AI to output different results when it encounters that text. In such cases, you can use the Glossary feature.Few readersHow to use Custom Translations
How to add text for custom translation Custom translations play a pivotal role in enhancing user experiences by allowing you to translate content that is not defined as transletable, whether the content is coming from another third-party app or you have custom/hard-coded content in your store. Our custom translation feature will allow you to translate such content, as long as it's static (does not dynamically change after the page loads or when a user clicks somewhere) and loads before our sFew readersHow to translate your product metafields
How to translate your metafields in bulk using AI? The translations for the product metafields can be found under Translations -Product metafields: In this test store, there are 3 metafields forFew readersThird-party app translation
This article provides guidelines on how to translate resources from the third-party apps integrated into Translation Lab. How to translate How to translate Pagefly 1. How to translate Translating your resources consists of two parts: Translating the general resources of the app Translating the reviews (3-2Few readers
Configuration / Setup
How to configure your language in Markets
To make the languages you add with our app available in your store, you have to add them to your market. There are two scenarios: If you are using a single market If you are using multiple markets Change the default language for a given market How to enable Shopify Markets auto-redirect 1Few readersHow to integrate language switcher
This functionality is particularly important for businesses targeting international customers, as it allows them to browse and shop in their preferred language, improving accessibility and user experience. This article will guide you on how to enable Translation Lan's language switcher in your store: Language switcher: CustomFew readersHow to configure currencies in your store
In this article we will oversee Shopify's native currency functionality ( and how to set it up ) from Shopify Payments/Markets or alternatively, how to use Translation Lab's custom currency functionality to allow your visitors to change the price on the front-end. How to setup: Shopify currencies - if you are using Shopify Payments/Markets (1-1-shopify-currenciesFew readers