Articles on: Smart SEO

How to set the Alt Tags for images

Under the Alt Tags page in Smart SEO, you may set the alt tags for your Products, Collections, Articles and images used in your theme:

When you go to Alt Tags -> Products, you will see a list of all your products and their images. Next to each image, you will see it's current alt tag and an Edit icon, that will allow you to edit it:

Above all products, you will see a search field that allows you to search by product name. Or right below the search bar, filters that will allow you to filter all the products in the list by Tag, Vendor or Collection:

Single image alt tag edit

If you want to change a single image alt tag, click the Edit icon next to the image in question. Then add the desired text for the alt tag and click the green check button on the right or the red X button to cancel:

Edit alt tag for a single image

The change is immediate and is saved in the Shoipify database, which means that even if you are to remove our app in the future, the alt tags saved through Smart SEO will not be deleted.

Alt tag changed

Bulk edit alt tags

Just like with our Meta Tags feature, you may use the Bulk Edit feature for setting the Alt Tags for all your images at once. To do this, click the checkbox above the list of product, to select all the products on the page (and click the Select all 20+ items button that will appear to select all products in your store), then click Edit products:

Bulk edit alt tags

You will see the selected products names at the top, a text area field below, for adding the alt tag for the selected product images and on the right, the list of Smart Tokens you can use for creating a template, that would be used for the selected images alt tags. Let's say we want the alt tag for each image, to be the name of it's product. To achieve this, we add the ${title} token and click SAVE on the top right:

Saving alt tag for all product images

Once you click SAVE, a task for changing the alt tags for the selected images will start and you can see the progress there:

Alt tags bulk edit task

You don't have to stay on the page and wait until the task is complete as it runs in the background

Once the task is done, click on the Go to product list button and you will see that the alt tags for the selected products have been changed:

Alt tags bulk edit result

Upon saving your Alt Tags with Smart SEO (whether for a single image or in bulk), the changes are persisted in the Shopify database, which means that you would keep all the alt tags you have saved in our app in case you uninstall Smart SEO

Updated on: 21/02/2024

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